Our small town National Night Out was a big success. There were many presentations for the kids. They had a police dog presentation that the kids loved. They even got to pet the dog after. They had a robot that is used on bombs for all of the kids to see. The also had police, fire, and rescue vehicles for the kids to go in and check out.
The big hits of the night were the Army climbing wall and the arrival of a Black Hawk helicopter. My younger two girls got very excited when they saw the rock wall. They loved everything until they got to the middle of the wall. The tension on the safety line made them feel more like they were going to fly all the way to the top if they did not hold on.

The end of the evening was waiting for the Black Hawk to land. As we all stood at the end of the field the Black Hawk started to circle overhead. Then we watched as it landed somewhere else. It was actually very funny. They were just told to land in the field by the school. They landed by the middle school/high school. We were all waiting at the elementary school.
In the end the Black Hawk landed just a little later and all of the kids got to go inside and strap themselves in. There was a mad rush of children the second they were given the okay. We waited back for the craziness to die down.