Twitter Rant

There are some that just Tweet stupid things nonstop. I really do not care that your cat just coughed up a hairball. I really do not need to know every little thing that you ate and drank all day long. Please spare me any info pertaining to your bathroom habits.
There are some that may not Tweet about boring things nonstop but they Tweet nonstop none the less. I can not tell you how many times I have checked Twitter only to find that it is all full of Tweets from one person. I am talking like every couple of minutes. I do want to also see what other people have Tweeted that is why I follow more people than just one person.
Okay my rant is over now! I feel much better.
I used to follow every single person back who followed me then I realized my mistake pretty fast. Most who follow me these days are doing it for business purposes only and I am so not interested so they a quick unfollow. I do know what you mean though. I see that a lot of people tweet nonstop. It makes it hard for me to get into really.