Bid on Nintendo at a Unique Auction Site

The concept of Bid Here is simple. They put products up for bid and members bid on them. When members of the site bid on an item they pay $.60 for the bid. The item then goes up by $.02 in price. The timer also resets and the count down begins again. If the count down ends the last bidder gets to buy the item for the bid price.
Looking at the ended auctions page is really what got me excited about the site. Someone got a Nintendo Wii for only $.22 plus whatever they spent on bidding. Someone else got a Toshiba Laptop for only $8.53 plus their bids. If I am reading the website stats right...the winner spent $4.80 on bids. So the total paid for the laptop was pretty darn good!
If I was smart I would have gone and just watched at first. I am not always smart though. I learned that many of the people use a last second approach. This saves them from wasting a bid if other people are going to keep bidding like crazy. They also have an automated bidding system that allows you to not miss a bid. Some of the auctions go on for awhile and some go pretty fast. Maybe there is a better time of day to do it. Maybe it is better to go for the lower price product if two of the same thing is going for bid.
I was concerned at first that some people might end up going bid crazy and make so many bids at .60 each that they would spend more than what the product costs. When I looked into it further I found that they have the site set up so that you can use the money you spent in bids towards purchasing the item.