Gifts For Men

I have to really think hard to figure out what to get for James, my dad, and his dad. If they want something they just go and get it. This means that I have to find things that they would want but do not realize that they would want them yet.
James just bought himself leather Packer men's coat. I do not want to get them any men's clothes because I would not even know what they would like. Especially when it comes to men's pants.
Thank goodness I do not have to shop for my brother in California. All he cares about is surfing gear and I am clueless when it comes to that.
It is so hard to get gifts for man! However I think that boys are even harder to buy gifts for. I have like 6 nephews all in different ages. I have be searching for things for them.. yet still nothing! Men and Boys so hard to buy for! I'm thinking of just going handmade!