Charter On Demand

We recently had to swap out our old DVR box and were devastated! You have no clue how many movies and shows we had on there wait to be watched. We never really watch live television because we do not have the time to remember when things are on. We just set recordings and get to them when we have a bit of free time.
Now that we lost all of our old shows and movies we found ourselves stuck not knowing what to watch when we had free time. I totally forgot about Charter's On Demand. When the girls were young On Demand was like a miracle for me. The girls would really want to watch a certain kids show and I could play show after show for them anytime they wanted.
It was wonderful when the kids were sick and could not stay asleep at night. There is not much for kids to watch at night but On Demand gave them all of their favorites shows anytime. It would help them fall asleep and help me get some much needed rest.
I also love the free movies. They always have great old movies that I can force my kids to watch with me.
If you would like more info about On Demand you can learn more at You can also get updates and fun extras on Charter’s Facebook page

stoppin by to say hi!! Love the carved oranges!