Halloween Ghost Lanterns

These are simple and adorable. Another big plus is that you will probably not have to buy a thing to make them. All you need are clean milk jugs, permanent markers, a craft knife, and a string of white holiday lights.
Simply have your kids draw scary ghost faces on a few clean milk jugs. It may help to draw the outline in washable markers first. Then when they are sure that they like the image they can use the permanent markers.
When the faces are all done you need to use the craft knife to cut the holes at the bottom of the jugs for the lights to fit into. That is all that is to it. Very easy and fun.
The best part is that you will not have to worry about storing them for next year. Since the jugs do not cost you anything you can just make new ones each year. You can start a new tradition to go along with pumpkin carving.

Those are awesome.
Excellent idea! Thanks for sharing!
Those are SO cute! What a great idea!
What a great idea. We're having friends over to carve pumpkins on Friday night, and I just might have to add these ghosties to the mix.
Thanks for the creative idea!
Can I share this on the Mom Buzz? With a link to your site?
wow! cute lanterns for the halloween and is so creative! keep it up! vi-a-v! =)
they are verryy veryyyyy cute!Hehhe.
brilliant idea.i have half a dozen milk jugs. now i know what to use them for.
Those are darling! We don't usually drink milk... but maybe we can use 2 litre bottles. :)
What a great idea. I am going to have a go at this...
This creative use for milk jugs would be a great link for Twice-the-fun Tuesday tomorrow at havingfunathomeblog.blogspot.com!