Far From Perfect

It started with her telling me that she had made the cake we had discussed the day before. She then continues to tell me that she had checked on the cake and saw it needed another minute so she continued cleaning. She got a lot of cleaning done that day. That was until she had to figure out what that smell was. You know the smell. The smell of a really burnt cake.
We then continued to tell each other of the times that we have been so busy being a mom that we did something stupid. It was a riot. What a funny conversation we had. Plus we each realised that we are not the only one that is that dumb.
So today I will share with you some of my most stupid moments. I hope you have fun laughing at me. :)
*This one goes way back to when the girls were little. Nicole and Neona are less than a year apart. I was very busy with 3 kids that were 5 and under. I spent most of my day feeding, changing, and stopping kids from crying. It got so crazy that when Nicole started crying one day I had my shirt lifted up before I noticed that she was not the one that I was still nursing. I really got into the routine of crying child means pop out some food.
*One day I was busy cleaning and cooking for a holiday meal the next day. I was getting very worn out so I decided to take a nap. When I woke up I smelled something very strange. I was still very groggy until all of a sudden I remembered that I had been boiling potatoes for potato salad. I ended up with potato skins burnt to my pan.
*This last Christmas I went cookie crazy and made two different kinds of cookies everyday for two weeks. I would stack them in rubbermaids and then freeze them. I very stupidly added the jam on top of the thumbprint cookies before I realised that they could not stack that way. To save them from the dogs I put them on my largest pan and put foil over the top. I then put them in the oven for storage so my huge dogs could not get at them... Yep, you guessed it. By the time Christmas had come around I had preheated the oven with the cookies still inside about 4 times. Thank goodness my kids are happy with anything that contains sugar.
*Back when Noelle was 9 she flew across the country as an unaccompanied minor. I was very preoccupied with all of the worry. I searched all over the parking ramp for my vehicle for 30 minutes before it occurred to me that I had walked completely across the airport to get to the terminal she left from so I was on the wrong end.
*I do not even want to get into how many times the girls have informed me that my shirt was inside out or backwards. I have put contact cleaner in my eyes instead of eye drops. Another HUGE one for me is forgetting huge dinners on the stove. I have wasted way too many dinners to count. When I make dinners in the slow cooker or a large pan I will leave them on the stove to cool off. You have no idea how many dinners I have found still on the stove when I go to make my morning coffee. I have however now learned to set my alarm clock.
So anyway, I had a great time talking about these things with my friend. I thought that maybe some fellow bloggers would like to share too. We can all get to know each other a bit more. It is nice to be able to laugh at yourself sometimes. It is also fun to see that other people do the same kind of stupid things too and it is okay to not be Supermom. If you would like to join in and share some of the stupid things you have done feel free.
If you all do not want to participate in this then whatever :P
Just go be a perfect Supermom then. LOL
Now you've got me thinking...my son goes to year round school. They are in for 9 weeks/off for three. Well, for some reason last year I sort of lost track of track-out and sent him to school on what I thought was to be his first day back. He had to call me from the office to say that he did NOT have school until that Wednesday. I felt horribly stupid!
Your post had me chuckling. I have my senior moments now which I hate because they are getting too close together. I'm sure I had lots of those moments when I was younger, but the good thing now is I don't remember them.
I tend to pop things into the microwave ready to finish off just before I dish out. The number of times I completely forget them till the next day ...
Ummm... I know I've done these kinds of things often, and often they are quite funny (to everyone else, at least), but I can't remember any right now.