Halloween Party Games

So you planned a fun day for Halloween... You have some crafts and some snacks but what about some games?
Here are a few cute Halloween games and fun things to do with children.
Paper Bats
This one would be cute to use as a decoration too. You could poke holes in the top and string them up together. All you need to do is cut bat shapes out of construction paper. The bats then get folded with the accordion fold, also known as the fan fold. Then the kids can make small cut outs just like when you make snowflakes.

This game is like an Easter egg hunt. Simply hide Halloween things. You can find things at a cheap dollar or crafts store. You could also just cut shapes out of construction paper. You can do witch hats, bats, ghosts, spiders, and pumpkins. You can also have prizes if you would like. Simply put out some special ones that symbolize a price. If you use paper ones you could write the prize on the back.
Halloween Who Am I?
This game is a guessing game with a Halloween twist. The person who's turn it is chooses a Halloween type character and the rest of the players ask yes or no questions to figure it out. This game will keep the kids having fun for a long time.
Fun! Maybe we'll give these games a try. I absolutely love those "breadstick bones" btw....too fabulous! Great Halloween ideas you've been sharing--Thanks!