I was asked to check out AlmostDiamonds.com and give a review. There really is something for everyone. In a time when people are trying to cut back spending, cubic zirconia are becoming more popular than ever. They have everything from large cocktail rings to little dainty baby bracelets with bells.
They even have a large selection of Cubic Zirconia Engagement Rings but I do not know really like the idea of that. If you have not taken the time to save more than $50 and have to look at Fake Diamond Engagement Rings maybe you are not ready to be married. Well, I guess you could always get a nicer one later. A woman I knew got an engagement ring made out of a gum wrapper. The man did end up with a great job years later and got her a huge ring.
I did find a few things that I would not mind having. I really like jewelry but at the same time I have this guilt when I spend money on myself. Maybe guilt is not the right word. I just always feel like there are better things to spend money on. Almost Diamonds look great and they cost much less so I do not think I would have that guilt. I could look great and feel great.