Twilight Zone Predicts Future

Okay, in all seriousness though...People are going way too crazy about this. We have had a few cases in our town and we are all fine. People got sick, they got better, and it did not spread to the whole town and kill us all. We are a tiny close knit place of only 2000 people. It could have spread as fast as the gossip does, but it did not.
Every time someone coughs or blows their nose someone says, "It could be swine flu". I know someone that just mentioned that one of her friends had the Swine Flu and her work forced her to go home. Egypt even ordered the slaughter of all pigs back in April. That is an estimated 300,000 pigs even though there were no reported cases of Swine Flu.
One of the teachers at my kid's school added rolls of tape and index cards to the school supply list. When school started she told all of the kids to bring them home or give them to other teachers. She no longer wanted them because "they could spread swine flu".
Ummm... HELLO, the kids being physically in the room touching desks, books, and papers is a greater risk.
It just all seems so overboard to me.
Right on Melissa. Somehow, people seem to be totally irrational about this whole thing. (Not that the media hasn't spread disinformation LOL.)It's just that they think because it's a pandemic, it's somehow worse than the black plague. You have a sensible attitude.
It's insanity! Folks just can't seem to get it through their heads that it is no worse than the regular flu!
Gosh, just wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, how hard is it?