
I recently can across a video clip from the Today Show that showed an innovative company that has online math tutoring. TutorVista has an online math tutor available for school age through college students 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Can you imagine how much it would cost to have a tutor ready and willing the second your child can not figure out their homework? This company charges $99.99 a month and you can use their service as often as you like. Plus you no longer have to try to figure out how to get the kids to practices and drive them to a tutor.
If anyone has a child that needs online math help and is interested in checking out the company you can also get one time free online math tutoring by taking advantage of their free demo. I have also included the Today Show video clip about them.
Math was my favorite subject way back my college years. Since I am working right now as a technical advisor in webhosting company, then im now dealing with domains..huhu! Totally different world..
Go go Math rocks! Calculus should be long gone..hehe
I always hated math :) but I was good enough at it. My younger daughter struggles the most with math. She has a slight learning disability in the math area.