New WIC Programs

We have known for years that breastfeeding is the best nutritional option. It helps boost the infants immune system. It is always ready and at the right temperature. Best of all it is free!
WIC is revamping their old program to promote healthier eating and encourage breastfeeding. The new programs require lower fat dairy and add in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
The new WIC has three programs. One for women that breastfeed full time, one for women that breastfeed part time, and one for those that never breastfeed. The more you breastfeed the more healthy food you get. The old program you either got baby formula or you did not.
Women often find they need more baby formula than WIC provides and that is where store brands come in. Store brands still have to meet the same FDA nutritional requirements but you can save a lot of money. I love this baby formula calculator it shows you just how much you can save by choosing a store brand baby formula.

hi, breastfeeding is always the best!
WIC saved our lives when my last child was born. He was born with a whole protein allergy and I could not breastfeed - he required an amino acid based formula that was $30 a can! WIC covered it all otherwise we would have been living on the street!
I love that formula savings calculator too. With our twins we were able to save $1,400 bucks on formula by switching to Parent's Choice Formula at Walmart. I breastfed with our first child for most of the year but didn't have the option with the twins!