(Closed)Giveaway - 24”x 24” Wall Graphic

Have you heard of Fat Heads Stickers? They make sports figures and cartoon characters that you can stick to your wall. Now Large Format Posters has added Wall Graphics to their product line. You can take photos, artwork or patterns and have them printed in great detail onto a huge sticker that you can peel and stick on any flat surface.
You can use a business graphic if you have your own business. You can use your favorite photo of your children. How about your favorite art or photography?
Two lucky winners will be chosen on September 14th to receive a 24"x24" Wall Graphic.
**Winners must pay $5 Handling Fee to claim prize, shipping is free.
Only open to US residents.
Your main entry will be to comment on this post about what you would like to turn into a wall graphic.
- Blog about the giveaway and include a link back to this post. Make a new comment here with the URL to your post.
- Follow this blog - It is on the left sidebar. If you are already a follower it still counts. Make a new comment here that includes your follower name.
- Subscribe to the RSS Feed (left side bar) and make a new comment.
- Add the Your Fun Family Blog to your blogroll. Make a new comment and be sure to use your URL when you post it.
- Fav the Your Fun Family Blog on Technorati and make a new comment.
- Follow us on Twitter and make a new comment.
- Share this giveaway post on Kirtsy, Digg, Twitter, Stumble, or anything else you can think of.
I will be deleting comments that do not follow the rules so others get a fair chance. Remember that two winners will be chosen so the odds are better. If the second random comment chosen is of the same person as the first another number will be chosen. The winners will have 48 hours to email me with their mailing address. If they fail to contact me a new winner will be chosen.

We have a lot of wall space just dying for a large format picture. My first thought is a large version of our new son's mug.
On the other hand, the room I'm thinking of could really use some scenery, so maybe a scenic vacation shot.
PS, also added you to our blogroll. Nice site you have here!
I am thinking a nature shot, be it the coastline of Maine, some flowers or the Fall Foliage...something that adds color and beauty to my wall.
micaela6955 at msn dot com
I am so glad I found you on ALLtop.
I would love to win and use one of my recent photos taken of the city downtown...
or from our recent visit to Savannah, GA... there are so many options and I have been wanting to do this!
ok I am officially following the blog publicly as SOLO dot MOM...
And I am now following you on twitter... so that's three entries so far...
how am i doing?
ok #4 - I am officially following the RSS feed on my google reader...
I'd love to get a photo for my daughters room above her crib
Thanks for your comment by the way :)
I'm now a follower :)
Following you on Twitter
Those sound really neat. I know just the photo I would use but I would have to really think of something neat to create with it.
I would love to get one of my son playing soccer.
That would be really neat in my kid's room.
That would be a great way to get use out of old vacation pictures!
A picture of the beach where we honeymooned would be really great.
A picture of my dog would be wonderful.
Awww great idea, a picture of my cats would look beautiful.