Safety Pool Covers

I really miss Arizona right about now. These are the best days for swimming there. The weather is perfect. In Arizona you can swim most of the year and there are pools everywhere you go. For this reason they also have better laws to protect children. In Arizona all pools must be fully fenced in and lock up. When drowning is the second leading cause of death for children you need to take action.
No matter where you live you need to make sure that your kids are safe from drowning. Drowning is usually preventable. This year as you get your pool ready for winter please take the time to make sure your pool is also safe.
Keep ladders and anything able to be climbed on away from above ground pools. Make sure that your pool has a Safety Pool Cover. They can prevent kids from falling in and drowning. Even if you empty your pool there is still a risk of kids falling in and hurting themselves. Water can still collect over time too. Drowning can happen in even the smallest amount of water if a child gets injured and can't get up. Regular pool covers do not keep kids out only safety pool covers do.