I have been so busy that I have not shown any pictures of the camping trip James and his dad took the girls on. To my surprise the girls loved every bit of it. They went to a small campground that no one really hears about. That was a big plus for them.
We have a really hard time finding places to camp since everything we do is last minute. We can not plan too much in advance since James runs 9 or 10 stores in Chicago. All of our trips are planned about a week in advance. If everything is going smoothly and all of his store managers are working we quick go somewhere before the next problem happens.
I am glad that they found this place. It does not take reservations so you can just show up at that day. The site they got was perfect! I really want to go there with them soon. The site was huge, full of grass, and right on the water so they could fish anytime. Oh yeah, They also had their very own port-a-potty. The girls called to tell me that as soon as they got there.

Looks like fun! We want to take a camping trip once it gets a little cooler. It should be a fun/interesting experience w/ our toddler son! ;)
Thanks for stopping by the other day! Have a great day!