Old Friends, Lost Loves

Of course I do not stalk people. I will however stand up and admit that I have looked up the court records on every man that has asked me out on a date ever since it has been available online. I also check the sex offender registry regularly so I know where they all live. I am
The internet had made it super easy to find people. This is a big plus when you are looking for that old friend or old love that you have lost touch with. I have reconnected with many people from the past through websites like MyLife. I am amazed to see how many of my old boyfriends have contacted me online and how they have turned out. Some have great families and great jobs. Many of them do not and this gives me a selfishly good feeling inside.
There is one old bestfriend that I would love to find but I never have any luck. I tried MyLife but there is no info on her there either.

I looked up some of my old friends when I was younger. It was fun and sometimes it was also sad.
I have a friend that I check for her every once in a while on social networks. I haven't had any luck either. Thanks for dropping by.