Am I A Slacker?

I have been talking with friends lately and keep getting shocked by how far ahead they are in everything. Last week they were discussing Halloween costumes and now they are talking about Christmas gifts already. I was floored! I thought it was too early to worry about Halloween.
I am always a last minute kind of person. It does add to the stress I already experience but I just do not feel like I ever have enough time to catch up on things let along get that far ahead. I am still scrambling to get all the things I wanted to accomplish during the summer done. School starts on the second and today is our first day of school supply shopping.
All week long I have been getting emails from my card store telling me all about the new Christmas cards that are being added to the store. I kept just leaving the emails aside thinking that it was way too early for Christmas. Now that my friends are all talking about it I wonder if I am the one that is crazy. Maybe I am a slacker and I should be getting everything ready.
I do not think about Halloween until October. I do not think about Thanksgiving until November. The day after Thanksgiving I get in full blown Christmas mode, but never before that. Maybe I am trying to get too much done and in the process I am never ahead of schedule. We are usually the family that is out on Christmas Eve still buying last minute gifts. This year we wanted to make most of the gifts ourselves since the girls are getting older and love making things. I guess I better get my act together and start planning for Christmas.
No, you're not a slacker! As far as I'm concerned, there's nothing worse than mourning the end of summer vacation and walking into stores decorated for Halloween before school has even started!
I'm right there with you! Whenever my kids bring up what they want to be for halloween - I tell them to wait until after my youngest's b-day (10/3), THEN, we can talk halloween.
As for christmas - nary a gift is purchased until AFTER Thanksgiving.
I think if you start toooo early, it kind of ruins it when the actual holiday comes around.... Plus, who has time for all that NOW???
You are not behind!
Slacker no...realist..yes...come on...what is with the US Go into a craft store in October and all the Christmas stuff is on display..this is all about marketing and money...I am with you..every holiday has a slackers...unite
That picture makes me want to get a giant paper shredder and go to town.
Great image on your post. My kids are not into Halloween so I am happy about that. I have started putting items on my amazon wish list for XMAS.
School does not start here in Los Angeles for another week and this last week of the summer here is the hottest thus far, it hardly felt like summer and now the heat is on.