Disney Movie Club

This morning I posted my Friday Game only to find out that in Firefox it created a mess of my template. Most people in Entrecard are now using Firefox so that they can also use the new Entrecard Toolbar. So I decided that I will not be posting a game today. I just do not want to play around with it today and end up just getting annoyed. I am sorry if anyone was looking forward to a game today. You can still play games in the Arcade section of the main website anytime you feel like it. It will always be at the top of the page with the navigation buttons.
Summer school is now over and the week of fun and relaxation afterward is over. So this week has been a week of getting down to business and catching up on things. We had so many plans for the summer and nothing really has gotten done. I should say that I had many plans for the summer. The girls are not too thrilled with it all.
This week has been spent doing tons of yard work and tons of organizing around the house. The girls are really big on "break time". I can get them to do almost any chores as long as they know that afterward they will get a break. It is always a preplanned thing too. That way they work faster to get to the break. This week the breaks have been used to watch movies we have not seen yet.
I joined the Disney Movie Club a few months ago. They have been one of our sponsors for awhile and so I figured that I should join and check it out. Actually that is more of an excuse for me to spend more money and buy more movies. We have a huge DVD collection. When we moved to this small town I stopped buying movies. I rarely do the shopping any more since there are no stores in this town. James runs stores in two different cities so he does all the shopping on his way home.
I had thought about joining for awhile but I was busy and I kept putting it off. Finally I joined the Disney Movie Club. We had a blast picking out all the movies for the introductory package. The girls and I all sat at the computer trying to decide. I forgot how many Disney movies came out when I was little that they had never seen. There are also a lot of movies that came out recently and I had not even heard of them.
So this week we watched Ella Enchanted (adorable & funny) and Game Plan (Something for everyone- funny, adorable, & football). I do not know where I have been that I had not even heard of them. I only got them because they were the pick of the month. I am glad that I did get them though because they were really good movies. We still have a few movies from the introductory package to watch. I just had to buy The Black Hole even though I know it is not the best movie. I really do not remember much about it other than that I saw it when I was a kid and it was Disney trying to compete with Star Wars. My kids love Star Wars so I have wanted to watch The Black Hole with them for years but I never could find any one that was selling it. I was very happy to find out that the Disney Movie Club has tons of movies that you can not find anywhere else.
Hi, I recently watched 'The Game Plan' and I absolutely loved it! It was a really good movie. I have like 'The Rock' for a long time. I loved him as a wrestler and it was really sad to see him leave wrestling but he is an awesome actor as well. So I guess I can settle.