
You may all remember me talking about the film A Long Way Down. This is another one night only opportunity. I.O.U.S.A. is a documentary that will only play on Thursday, August 21st. It is from the studio that brought us Super Size Me. They already got us thinking and talking about the health of our nation. How could they top that? Now they are talking about the state or our economy and the nation debt.
The documentary is followed by live discussions with economic experts. Warren Buffet, Pete Peterson, and Dave Walker. They will discuss the state of our economy, the financial state of our nation, and what will need to be done for us to get out of this state.
This should prove to be a very interesting discussion. It will definitely get everyone thinking and talking. We need to stop spending our children's future. It will also be very interesting to find out what the presidential candidates will have to say about the documentary and live comments.
I have also included in this post a video for you to check out. If you are interested, I suggest you check out the website and see what movie theatre near you is showing the documentary.