Disney DVD Bingo
We received a Disney Bingo game in the mail a couple of weeks ago. All we knew ahead of time was that we would be getting something mailed to us. The day it came we did not notice it until we were heading out the door. Neona noticed it on the front steps and yelled to me as we were about to hop in the car. We of course had to stop and open it before we left. The second we saw what it was Neona lit up. She loves Disney anything and she loves Bingo. We seldom play bingo because there always needs to be a person calling out numbers.
The rest of the day the girls kept asking when we could play the game and if we could play it right away when we got back home. The rest of the day was rushed because they really wanted to play. That night after dinner we played all together. What a neat little game! It came all together in a handy sturdy cardboard box with a Velcro closure and plastic handle to carry it.
The game includes the bingo cards, chips, and the game on DVD. I LOVE IT! The DVD does the boring part of calling out the numbers so I do not have to. I can just have fun and play along. It does a great job of calling out the numbers too. Each number is also a Disney character. This is great for little kids that are still learning their numbers. The game also has a wild spot once in awhile. They play movie clips and then tell you what color you can put your chip on. The girls had a blast and so did I. Neona loved that it was bingo and all the Disney characters. Nicole loved that I could play along. Noelle tries to be all grown up but she loved it too. The next day they found a whole new reason to love it. When I was busy they could still play because the DVD does it all.
This is definitely a game to get. It is great for kids of all ages and it makes it possible to play bingo with any number of people since the DVD does it all. You can find it on sale at Amazon or my Making Memories store. You will find links to get there in the right tool bar.