Do You Like The Snap Shots?

I just installed Snap Shots and I am not sure if I will keep it. Snap Shots enables readers to get a little preview of the site a link goes to before they decide to click on it. All the little bubble things that are now by the links are what open up the Snap Shots for each link. When you first sign up for it you get told that you get a share of the ad revenue but they do not explain it very well until after you do it all. I assumed that it was like an affiliate program and you got money for views, sales, or clicks. You are actually giving them free space on your site to place their own ads. You just get to add one ad of your own that they will show once in awhile. It does not sound too good to me any more. So now I am deciding on if giving my readers a preview of the links is worth giving away free ad space to a website that already makes plenty of money of their own. I chose my Disney DVD Club ad and as you can see they rarely show it.
So do any of you use Snap Shots? What do you think of it? Readers do you find it annoying or helpful? Any comments would be appreciated. It will help me decide if I really want to keep it on my blog or not.
I was floating around on EC and ran across your blog. Thank you so much for the information. I have been wondering about this.
Actually, if you are using a Firefox browser, there is an add-on called Cooliris that work much better than this SnapShots. it's gives an accurate & exact preview of the pointed link.
I've also installed Snapshot just to try and to know how it works..and it's dissapointing.
I installed SnapShot ages ago. I liked what they where trying to do. I ran into representatives of the company at a tradeshow and had a great talk with them.
However, it really seems to slow down my load time and makes navigation on the page more difficult, so I've disabled it for the time being.
I may come back and give it a try again sometime later.