Dr. Gott's No Flour No Sugar Diet

Now that we live in a very small town there really is not much to do other than sit around and eat. You can probably already tell what I am about to say. We have been gaining weight since coming to Wisconsin. So it is time to do something about that. About two weeks ago Noelle and I decided to go on a no carb diet. I did it years ago but I did not do it as strict. I was thin at the time and just wanted the extra push to get 10 pounds off.
This time I am doing it all the way. Most people do not realize that all the way means no fruit and very few vegetables. Fruits have sugars and some vegetables are very starchy. Yes, I know that is not healthy to do for a prolonged period of time. I have no plan on doing it forever. We get a lot of criticism from people for doing it so I was very happy to find information about this book in the newspaper.
I always read Dr Gott when it is in the paper. This time I found it talking about a book he wrote. It is the No Flour, No Sugar Diet. It is a way to make the no carb diet healthy and a life change instead of just a diet. All it cuts out is any form of flour and things that have sugar added. Fruit is fine and vegetables are fine. All you cut out is the stuff your body has no use for anyway. I found it pretty interesting.
Thanks for the information. I have never heard of it and will check it out for myself. Please let us know how it goes.
My husband and I keep having the same discussion but haven't gotten around to talking to a nutritionist...does fruit sugar ultimately act the same as regular sugar in the body?
I lived in Wisconsin before so I know about the "eating." :-)
I agree completely; I found out years ago that I felt my best my eliminate milk, wheat and sugar. Sometimes I just have to have ice cream -- the worst!
Thanks for sharing about the book.