Normal or Nuts

So the Reader's Digest has published their Are You Normal or Nuts? article. It is funny and it can be helpful. I know that I am beyond help though. I do some very crazy things. I, powered by the internet, check way too far into thing. Everything I hear about I look up to see if it is really true. People that I meet and will have to continue to talk to I tend to look up online. Examples: We meet someone that seems a bit off. I look them up. The girls ask if they can go to a friend's house. I look them up. I do not mean just Google them. I also look up their court records. If it is my kids going to their house I add in checking the sex offender registry too. I will not let my kids go to a house that has a sex offender close by. I must say that every time we move I visit the sex offender registry nonstop before we go to look at houses.I have other crazy things that I do but I think those are the biggest. James tells me that I am going overboard but I feel safer when I do. I have tried to cut down on it. I actually have made a point to not learn peoples last names if I really want to like them. That way I can develop an opinion before I learn too much.So Are You Normal or Nuts? Do you have weird quirks? Do you do things that people would thing are crazy? Do you have irrational fears? I would love to hear about them. I think it helps to get it out and admit them.

I could not help cracking up reading your post. My wife does the exact same thing. She googles names and cell numbers. She checks public records, criminal records and the sex offender database. I keep telling her she needs to be an Internet detective! We're watching TV one night and I said I wonder what ever happened to bla bla bla. An hour later she had found his Myspace and his home address 3000 miles away. I hadn't seen or heard from him in 10 years. She can find the scoop on anyone!