Carpal Tunnel Relief

I have had trouble with my wrists for some time now. I used to find my self going to pick things up and then feeling a jolt of pain. Some of the time I would just end up dropping whatever I was holding. That can end up a big mess or even dangerous.
When I started the main website I was adding pages at about 3 per day. Some days I did more or less but that was my goal everyday. I started to have trouble with my wrists again. Now that I am blogging I find my wrists hurt most of the time as I type. Then you add on the dropping of Entrecards and the pain can really put a damper on it. I have found myself having my kids do the last few drops for me at times.
I just came across this product that promises to give carpal tunnel relief. The Smart Glove comes in three different types. The regular one, one with a thumb, and one if you want one to wear at night. The glove helps you keep your wrist stable so you can go on with your daily life. It keeps your wrist in a position that will stop further injury. This also allows your body to start healing some of the damage. It looks like it would really help.