
Have you done the Colorgenics test yet? I found the test a few years back and I still find it very interesting. It is one of those tests that you find yourself talking about with friends. I always find myself recommending that people try it. So today I will recommend that you try it.
It is not a hard test or even a long test. It is actually quite short and easy. All you do is look at a bunch of colored boxes and choose which one you feel more "harmonious" with. Then you continue picking colors until they are all gone. See I told you, very simple.
In the end you get a kind of personality report. By picking the colors in the order you did it creates a kind of psychological assessment. Here is what the website says on the subject of how it works...
Colorgenics Test
We are all profoundly affected by light. For example, it is now a medically accepted fact that some people become chronically depressed when deprived of adequate daylight. They suffer from what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.).
We are also affected by the spectrum of colors that are the components of natural light. We often express our emotions in terms of color - "feeling blue" or "seeing red". What is less well known is that careful analysis of our own preferences for individual colors can accurately reflect our unique personalities and state of physical well-being.
That was very enlightening! Thank you for sharing. I have added you to my blog list.
Hi Melissa! Really love your site and the games you post. Hope you don't mind but I link this colorgenic test in my site....REally fascinated with this! God Bles!!