Thankful Tree

Making a Thankful Tree could become a wonderful tradition for years. It is a wonderful project that keeps kids giving thanks all November long. This Thankful Tree is made using a branch and regular paper. The paper is cut into leaf shapes and then painted. You can make your Thankful Tree out of anything. All that matters is that you make it together and give thanks.

First you make your tree and then you can start adding your leaves or hands. Everyday the members of your family get to write something that they are thankful for and then add it to the tree. By the time Thanksgiving comes along you have a big full tree.

This one is made from construction paper and displayed on a window. You can get creative and make your Thankful Tree out of anything. You can cut out hand prints or leaves for your tree. It is all up to you.

If you have a small family you may want to add more than one a day. Make sure that you all discuss the things you are thankful for as you do it. That is the best part.

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15 Responses
  1. fidget Says:

    I love this project idea!

    I was just poking around and wanting to email you but I can't seem to find an email address or contact form. Can you shoot me an email when you have a moment? Thanks!

    fidgetblogs (at) gmail (dot) com

  2. A beautiful idea.
    I used to use worry trees for the kids I worked in therapy with. The kids would externalise all their worries by writing them onto leaves. As their real worries dissipated, so too did the corresponding leaf on their tree...the leaves would be replaced by positive new growth in the way of a new feeling or behaviour written onto a new leaf.

  3. Robin Says:

    I wish I had that kind of creativity.

  4. dj Says:

    Love this idea! I'm going to give it a try.

  5. This has to be the best Thanksgiving project I have read! I can't wait to do it!!

  6. MOMMY-MOMO Says:

    Great idea! You must be a teacher? A very teacher-ish thing...i love it :)

  7. Femin Susan Says:

    your blog looks great..had a try with an ad.

  8. Suedonim16 Says:

    wow, the "Thankful tree" is really a wonderful idea! we have one every yr in a local church i used to attend, but it never came to me that it can be done at home. (why hadn't i thought of that?)

    tnx for sharing! =)

  9. Stacie Says:

    This is a really neat idea!

  10. Mindi Says:

    Melissa! I love this idea-thank you for sharing it on Mckmama's community. I'm going to have to do it with my kids-I'll for sure do a post about it later this month and put a link to your blog thanking you for the idea! :)

  11. Jen Says:

    My daughter has been begging me to find Thanksgiving crafts and this is perfect! I'm so glad I stopped by today.

  12. Dorothy L Says:

    What an awesome way to combine positivity and creativity not to mention family time spent together!

  13. Jossey Says:

    Really creative , looks like you are a girl full of great ideas .

    I'll see and give this thing a try , and I'm sure it will be some thing wonderful .

  14. Barb Says:

    Great idea. I am thinking about doing this. Thanks!

  15. Cascia Says:

    That is pretty cool!
